If you're reading this, you may have an interest in sustainability in the built environment or in how buildings' energy use impacts climate change. However, applying for an open seat on the Bureau of Codes Division (BCD) Advisory Boards may not have crossed your mind. You may have never thought about how building codes are developed or how often they are updated. But if you care about climate change and future generations, you should know that buildings account for approximately 40% of Oregon's energy use and emit around 28% of the greenhouse gas pollutants that are harmful to our health and contribute to more and worse climate destruction. Volunteering for a seat on a BCD Advisory Board is an excellent way to help reduce the climate impact of the built environment.
Cost-Effective Retrofits: 7 Steps to Zero Energy
Due to the sheer number of existing buildings, it’s not enough to focus solely on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through new construction. And wider implementation of energy-efficient systems through retrofitting will have a massive impact. Moreover, retrofitting presents opportunities to address longtime inequities in the housing sector, providing broader access to energy-saving measures. The most common barriers are capital costs, and owners’ lack of knowledge that today’s reliable technologies pay dividends far into the future.